Maxwell Grantly

Magical stories from an independent author

Archive for the month “January, 2016”

Recommended for January

If you have young children in your family, they are sure to love the antics of the adorable teddy bear, simply named ‘Teddy.’ Best of all, this delightful eBook is completely free to download from both iTunes and Kobo.

Count on Teddy

Edward had a special playmate called Teddy, who owned a lot of different hats. Teddy had a smart bowler hat for listening to the BBC news on the radio, a baseball cap for riding his tricycle across the lawn and even a special shabby top hat for talking with Edward in the garden.

You might wonder how many hats Teddy owned: Edward certainly did! Sadly, Teddy was unable to count. Therefore, Edward decided to take Teddy for a special walk around the village and teach the little bear all the important numbers, up to five.

Can Teddy remember his first five numbers and then answer a simple quiz?

Like all zany stories from Maxwell Grantly, things are bound to go wrong in the most unexpected way. However, there is a simple moral to this story and younger readers are sure to appreciate the beautiful illustrations that accompany this lively tale.


Happy New Year


In the past, chimney sweeps used to wander from house to house on the first day of the new year, to wish people good luck, in their role as the ultimate bringer of good luck.

A chimney sweep is a sign of good luck, wealth and happiness. There are many legends why a chimney sweep is said to be the harbinger of good luck. One version has its origins in the UK, where King George III was riding horseback in a royal procession. A dog ran from the crowd, barking and nipping at the King’s horse. The horse reared and almost threw the King. A lone figure, shabbily dressed and filthy, stepped into the road. He caught the horse’s halter and quickly calmed the animal.

As soon as he appeared, the man faded back into crowd. The King, wanting to reward the man, asked for his name. No one knew the man’s name, but many told the King that he is was a chimney sweep. The King declared that from that day that all chimney sweeps should be regarded as lucky and treated with respect.

Here’s wishing you and your family all the very best luck and happiness for 2016 and beyond. Happy New Year.


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