Maxwell Grantly

Magical stories from an independent author

Archive for the month “September, 2018”

The Top Five

Albert and the Books

If you are looking for something for your children to read, now that the winter is causing nights to lengthen in the northern hemisphere, why not consider the delight of digital eBooks.

If you are interested, here are the top five downloaded free eBooks from Maxwell Grantly’s library. The top two stories are perfect for young infants and the remaining three tales would ideally appeal to the older junior age-range. Best of all, every eBook is free to download and so there has been no better time to encourage your child to read and enter the magical make-believe world of literature.

(1) Teddy’s Many Hats – Teddy had a huge collection of hats. However, Teddy had a dilemma: which hat should he wear when he told his boy how much he is loved?

(2) Count on Teddy – Sadly, Teddy could not count and so Edward tried to teach him the first five numbers. However, Edward found himself learning an important lesson instead.

(3) Jack and the Space Pirates – Jack and his pet cat, Jet, became accidentally hijacked by space pirates. Jack had to devise a plan that would lead to his freedom and the release of a gold-carrying galleon.

(4) Gobbler and the Mirror – Gobbler lived on the streets of New Babbage, stealing food to survive. His life changed dramatically when he accidentally discovered the secret of a new glass invention.

(5) Albert’s Wiggly Tooth – Albert never believed in the tooth fairy so he wondered what happened to his teeth, after being placed under his pillow. Chaos reigned the following Sunday in church!

If you are interested in reading Maxwell’s stories, his work can be downloaded free of charge from Barnes & Noble, Blio, iBooks, Inktera, Kobo, Lulu and Smashwords. Sadly, the software at Amazon does not allow a zero pricing and so (if you use a Kindle) you may also download his stories – but at a very small charge. Simply type “Maxwell Grantly” into the search bar at any of these eight sites.

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