Maxwell Grantly

Magical stories from an independent author

Archive for the tag “Roblox”

Merry Christmas

Here’s wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. I trust that you may have a festive and safe end to 2021 and I wish you and your family all the very best for the forthcoming year.

The above image was taken from a children’s project that I have been working with: Christmas Badge Hunt (1867)

If you are interested, you may visit this Roblox game by clicking upon the following link:

If you are keen to see more, but unable to visit, perhaps these screenshots may interest you instead. Merry Christmas!

1867 Promotional Channel


Some of you may know about my love of Victorian history and children’s education.

I’m currently working (with an online friend from Luxembourg) building a ‘free-to-play’ game for young children, to teach them a little about the life and goings-on in the city of Luxembourg during the year 1867. Although this game is aimed at young children, you are still interested to look if you wish. If you are interested, please feel free to watch (and laugh) at my silly promo videos for the game!

1867 Promotional Channel

The game is hosted upon the children’s platform, called Roblox. You can access it here:

1867 (Roblox Game)

1867 Update

If you follow this blog, you will already know that I am currently working with a friend (cyberpiper) in the production of an authentic historical reproduction of 1867 Luxembourg, using the Roblox platform.

Using old photographs and other historical documents, cyberpiper and I are producing a realistic computer generation of how this part of Luxembourg would have looked in the mid-nineteenth century.

Pfaffenthal Image 01

If you are keen to see how the work in progress is faring, you are welcome to view the following video clip of a basic walk around the Rue des bons Malades. Cyberpiper and I are now working on buildings on the opposite side of the river, before proceeding to complete the section of the city beyond the church.

There is a great deal of work to do but you are welcome to visit what has been done so far, if you remain interested.

Click here for a link to the1867 game.

Can you recognise the location shown in this photograph, by visiting and playing the game?

Pfaffenthal Image 02

Ultimately, our aim is to produce a working game that may encourage gamers to enjoy and respect our amazing shared historical heritage.


You may have seen very little activity from me, over the past few months, and wondered what I am up to.

You will already know, if you have read any of my free eBooks, that I am interested in Victorian history. Many of my stories are based around this era or set in a Victorian steampunk genre. You would be correct in thinking that the Victorian period is a favourite point of interest for me.

Since the start of 2019 I have paired up with an Internet friend of mine (cyberpiper) and, together, we have worked on the construction of a computer-generated reconstruction of 1867 Luxembourg. My friend lives in Luxembourg and has an avid interest in the year 1867, due to its importance in the history of Luxembourg. As for me, as you will already know, this project marries very closely with my own interest in history and my background in the education of children.

Although a great deal of work has been completed, there is still a vast amount of work left to do. It will be a long time until we can both realise our goal of a fully functioning game, set in 1867, where gamers can live, work and explore the city of Luxembourg, in 1867. Even still, this short video should give you a taste of what has been achieved so far.

If you are interested you can access the game by clicking on this link.

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